Access to the Clinical Team
There are four ways to access the clinical team:
- Telephone to book an appointment
- Turn up in person to book at reception
- Emergency walk-in clinic on the day (for the doctor only)
- Online booking
We operate an appointment system at all sites. Patients may pre-book appointments with the doctor between 09:20 – 11:20 and 16:30 – 18:20.
We also provide a walk in service for emergencies. Please telephone or ask at reception.

Home Visits
If it is not possible for you or your relative to come into the surgery to be seen by the doctor/Practice nurse, we offer the opportunity of a home visit. This is for those patients who are very ill or housebound. In all cases it will be up to the doctor to decide if a home visit is necessary. You must call the surgery early in the morning before 10:00 to request a home visit.
You must provide the reception staff with as much information as possible such as: name of patient, date of birth, address and telephone number to pass onto the doctor. When the doctor has made a decision the reception staff will let you know.
Remember, be patient as the surgery can be very busy early in the morning and we may take a little time to ring you back. Please do not abuse this service.
Extended Access
Along with our usual opening hours we offer our patients extended access appointments in the evening and at weekends. These are available at our local SDS MyHealthCare Hubs.
To book an extended access appointment please speak with one of our receptionists.
Not Registered for Online Services?
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. Persistent defaulters maybe removed from the list.
You can also complete our appointment cancellation notification request form. This can only be used if your appointment has been arranged for more than 24 hours in advance. (excluding weekends and public holidays). You can also text to cancel your appointment.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.